How We Fund Surgical Procedures
Egypt requires that all surgical eye procedures be carried out by Egyptian qualified ophthalmologists in an operating room environment. Collaborative Vision supports the Egyptian Governments efforts to encourage and maintain high medical standards. We currently select surgeons based on recommendations gathered from our experience working directly with a group of ophthalmologists in a location that is favorable to patients. Currently, patients are transported to Cairo for surgeries, however, patients may be sent to other centres if their interests can be better served elsewhere.
Most patients who have Trachoma do not have the means to pay for either a medical diagnosis of the disease or for the surgery itself. Collaborative Vision has partnered with volunteers in Egypt who have donated time and resources to make a diagnosis possible.
At community level, volunteers conduct an initial screening for the disease before patients travel to Cairo for a medical diagnosis by Dr. Amr Nayel or other ophthalmologists at the Nayel Eye Centre. A medical plan based on the diagnosis is formulated and communicated to the patient. The approximate costs for treatment are shared with Collaborative Vision so we can begin fund raising. After confirmation of available funds, the Centre coordinates the surgery with local hospitals qualified to conduct the procedure. The Nayel Eye Centre does not conduct Trachoma surgeries. Following hospital surgery, patients return to the Center for check ups. The Centre’s donation of their facility, time and expertise for diagnosis, surgery coordination, and follow up with patients enables donors to reach more people

Donating to Make a Difference
We are a small group of likeminded people who want to make a difference in the lives of those who do not ordinarily have access to the medical care we enjoy. Trachoma is still prevalent in rural Egypt. Recognizing that the medical diagnosis and surgical procedures are just as complex in Egypt as they are in any other country, we have an opportunity to support a cure of more advanced cases of the disease, one at a time.
In the process of developing our methods to connect people for disease diagnosis and a surgical cure, we invested a huge amount of time building a network of people we trust including local community volunteers, screening tool development volunteers and surgical teams. Imagine a team of highly trained professionals preparing for an operation. Doctors, nurses and technicians each come with many years of training. Pre-, intra- and post-operating procedures specific to the operation are required. And, maintenance and servicing of the operating theatre are all required for successful patient outcomes. Egypt has the expertise and resources needed to treat advanced cases of Trachoma. Donors provide patients who ordinarily cannot afford this medical care, access to the care they need. Your donation, no matter what size, will directly provide relief from suffering and an enhanced quality of life to those in need.